Next week is National Teacher Appreciation Week. I know all of you agree that our teachers are absolute Blessings to all of us! It is an honor for me to work with this team each day and I can’t express how proud I am of their commitment, faithfulness, integrity, compassion, and love for their students.
I encourage you to reach out and help make next week a special week for your child’s teachers.
In addition, we want to take this opportunity to also recognize YOU! During these unusual times, a situation that feels more unreal than real, we have had to rely on you to provide the face to face instruction and support for your child’s learning that our teachers usually provide. We understand this has not been an easy task. You have had to juggle this, in many cases, with trying to do your own job from home, manage your other children, keep your household running, and, in some cases, working on the front lines to fight this pandemic. So, as you have truly shared this role of “teacher” like never before, although you are your child’s first and primary teacher always, we want to
THANK YOU!! I hope you know how important you are to all of us! You are doing an amazing job!